Christmas Day Outreach 2018.
Thanks to St. James Stephens Army Barracks and James O Briens butchers Loughbouy Kilkenny for coming on board for our Christmas Dinners Outreach programme 2018.
Since its foundation, the Kilkenny Gospel Choir has been involved in outreach.
Our vision statement is faith in action, fun in singing, friendship among all.
Outreach is a must for every member who joins the choir. Each member of the choir is involved in raising money for charity. To date, the choir has been responsible for founding Dochas Kilkenny, an outreach group for non-nationals living in the City and County. In 2000, the choir founded the Kilkenny Homeless Project with the support of the local St. Vincent De Paul society. In 2010 the Kilkenny Gospel Choir founded the Kilkenny Suicide Awareness project to assist families touched by suicide and to provide training for volunteers in suicide awareness. Through workshops and awareness nights for families and young people the project reaches out in faith, hope and love to all who have experienced suicide in their lives